Who and why?

Who created this website?

This website was created by me, a British citizen, my name is James Moore. I’m a middle aged family man with a background in computer science and a history of thinking outside of the box.

Why was it created?

As I reached middle age I began to take an interest in politics. I gradually came to realise that the government, for one reason or another, often took what I would say is the wrong decision. They were also sometimes suspicious or deceptive in their communications and actions. Their objectives were and are not always in the best interests of the majority of British citizens. They were also sometimes immoral in their actions. I think that the majority of the people, if given the power, would bring an end to this wrong decision-making.

Examples of poor decision making

These are my examples. Yours may be different.

  1. Invading Iraq in 2003.
  2. Interfering in the self determination of other sovereign countries such as Syria, Libya and Ukraine. We are not the world police.
  3. Interfering in the self determination of other sovereign countries with population-harming sanctions.
  4. Not working towards true peace on Earth with other countries in an honest, helpful and unselfish way.
  5. Not solving the poverty problem.
  6. Not solving the homeless problem.
  7. Not sufficiently equalising incomes.
  8. Not solving the cost of living problem.
  9. Not recognising the root of all evils, overpopulation.
  10. Ending free university tuition.
  11. Not quarantining the UK at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic resulting in the unnecessary deaths of thousands of people.
  12. Pushing an insufficiently tested set of COVID-19 vaccines upon the public.
  13. Not distributing FFP2 masks to people free of charge after the pandemic began to spread within the country.
  14. Giving poor advice on social distancing all of which should have also been voluntary.
  15. Refusing to leave the ECHR which is required in order to permit deportation of illegal immigrants.
  16. Allowing private schools to continue to exist while not raising the standard of public schools to the same level of education-quality.

Examples of suspicious behaviour

  1. Publishing the September Dossier which contained lies about the supposed existence of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq that gave politicians some (still fairly illogical) reasons to vote for an invasion of Iraq in 2003 that caused the death of approximately 1,000,000 human beings of that country. WMDs were never found.
  2. The secrecy and suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of weapons expert Dr David Kelly who may have been assassinated for providing logical reasons to avoid war with Iraq in 2003.
  3. Pushing an insufficiently tested set of COVID-19 vaccines upon the public.

Examples of immorality within government

  1. Lobbying of MPs (cash for votes).
  2. Cronyism (contracts or jobs for friends).
  3. Conflicts of interest (MPs with financial investments that benefit from government decisions).
  4. Interference in the self-determination of foreign sovereign countries.
  5. Making laws that criminalise free speech.
  6. Pushing insufficiently tested COVID-19 vaccines upon the public.
  7. Lying to the public about the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.
  8. Imprisoning Julian Assange for providing damning evidence of war crimes by members of the USA military.
  9. Selling armaments to other countries.