
This page lists selected responses received so far.

Well done. Great idea, it is about time that someone takes the initiative and does something like this, well done and thank you. I wish you well with this project and hope that DD gets the support and attention it deserves. I will be forwarding the website on to friends, family and acquaintances.

Karl Beaney

Thanks James, such a great idea! … I think most folk are fed up with being taken for a ride that’s not of their own choosing…it’s time to take back control!

Andrew Darroch

If we can vote directly on our favourite sitcoms and our favourite act on BGT we can surely vote for the policies we want too. Indirect democracy is too corrupt too beholden to special interest groups and past saving.

Neil Clark

The only real way forward for Earth humanity is for all of us to have an equal say into decisions that affect us all, and not leave these important decisions in the hands of politicians that only have one agenda, their own!!!

Aleksander Pogroszewski